Thursday, February 3, 2011

Gift Haul - Stella McCartney, MAC & Handmade Goodies!

Hey everyone :)

TGIF! It still blows me away how quickly each Friday comes around again. And I hate to be the one to bring it up, but February has well and truly started! I'm in denial still, I think.

I finally had the chance to do some filming on Wednesday, so I've decided to make a blog post to accompany my latest Youtube video. This Gift Haul (yes, another one... I am incredibly spoilt lately!) shows a recent contest prize that I won, some MAC pigments and some gorgeous handmade goodies too...

Check it out if you haven't already!

Recently I entered a giveaway on another Youtube channel, and actually won the prize! It was the 'LOVE' bangle from the Stella McCartney for Target Collection, and I'm absolutely thrilled to be wearing it as I write this post. The bangle is now worth about AU$180 to purchase online, so I'm taking very, very good care of it as you can imagine!

The channel is fallenangel7431, and Danielle has become a great friend of mine through Youtube! She is a trained makeup artist and posts some incredible videos; I definitely recommend checking out her channel if you haven't already. She is originally from the US, living in Australia, and is a real inspiration to me when it comes to all things makeup & skincare.

She was also incredibly kind to send me a set of MAC Pigments (5 Sexpot Smoky Mini Pigments/Glitter) that hadn't been getting much love in her makeup collection. I was so surprised to discover this extra box when opening my package from her! Thank you SO much Danielle; it was incredibly kind to do that, and I absolutely adore the pigments :)

MAC Sexpot Smoky Mini Pigments/Glitter

MAC Sexpot Smoky Mini Pigments/Glitter

From L to R - Reflects Antique Gold, Dark Soul, Chocolate Brown, Sunnydaze, Naked

My friend Heather was also kind enough to send me the most gorgeous handmade goodies! She is incredibly creative and talented. As well as being in high school and running her multiple Youtube channels, she likes to experiment with different crafts. The things she made for me are just gorgeous, and I'm so appreciative.

You can check out Heather's beauty channel by clicking on the link above!

Gorgeous handmade card from Heather!

I love the three-dimensional aspect and the contrasting textures!

All the goodies that Heather handmade for me!

Twin brush holders, made from tins covered with black & white felt.
The ribbon and button detailing is so cute, and I love all things personalised!

A gorgeous pair of handmade earrings!

A handmade necklace! I'm really loving this purple jewellery box, too :)

A handmade necklace. Love the design!

All in all, I think we can agree that I am extremely lucky to have such wonderful friends! A HUGE thank you, again, to both Danielle and Heather for being such fantastic human beings.

Have a great weekend everyone!

xoxo Megs

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

MIA just doesn't cover it!

Hey everyone!

I hope 2011 is off to a happy, healthy and productive start for you! It's quite dizzying to think how quickly the days, weeks and months go by lately - each year it seems even faster than the one before. I noticed my last blog post was late November last year; oh dear!! I really seem to have lost control of that one ;)

So here I am, to grovel and beg your forgiveness! I am only just catching up on the blogs I follow, and read a fantastic post by my good friend Karlee - things she's been loving in January. I've always enjoyed posts like these, so I thought I would share her blog with you:

Karlee's Blog - aussietiger29

Karlee is amazing with everything nail-related, and her Youtube videos and blog posts provide an amazing wealth of information and ideas on polishes, nail care, storage, swatching and nail art. I have taken much inspiration from her lately! If you enjoy painting your nails, or would like to learn more about it, definitely take a few minutes to check her out. Her Youtube channel also includes great videos on makeup, skincare, organisation and books :)

Karlee's Youtube Channel - aussietiger29

So a big 'thank you' to Karlee for inspiring me to finally make another post! ;)

Things I've Been Loving in January...

1. My babies! - The four little rodent children just get cuter day by day, I swear. I suspect that when my back is turned, they plot ways to overwhelm me with their cuteness.

2. Burt's Bees Cuticle Cream - My Burt's went neglected for many months after I first bought it. No longer! I've been using it an average of four times per day! I'm not tempted to pick at my cuticles when they're hydrated :)

3. Lush Snow Fairy Solid Perfume - I bought several of these just after Christmas 2009, and then never got around to using them. Now I know what I've been missing! Let's just say I've been wearing Snow Fairy daily on my pulse points :)

4. Doing my makeup again, even though I'm working from home - At first I was too lazy to bother with makeup working from home...but, lately, I've found it really boosts my mood, and allows me to start working through my treasure trove of products.

5. Muesli for breakfast - I can't get enough of fruit & muesli lately! 1 cup of Aldi gourmet muesli, chopped fruit, honey & skim milk. Yum! Very filling.

6. Op-shop book buying! - I recently went op-shopping (thrift or second-hand stores) with Karlee, and picked up a huge pile of great fiction books for $1 to $2 each. I think I'm on to an amazing thing, here!

7. Rose rings and black cuffs - My two current jewellery obsessions ;)

8. Colourful cushions - I own two: a gorgeous rainbow cushion, and a striped cushion my Mum made. Seeing them on my bed brightens each and every day!

9. Vampire Diaries is back on this Thursday! - Woot! I've been re-watching the most recent episodes in anticipation of the next one being released. Finally, Damon & Stefan will be visiting my bedroom again ;)

10. All the amazing friends that I'm honoured to have in my life!

(in no particular order) Em, Karlee, Jody, Cindy, Tina, Linda, Shay, you all, girls!!

Breakfast of champions - fruit, muesli & skim milk

One of my three, beloved rose rings!

My rainbow cushion

Another gorgeous cushion made by Mum

Bella - My Little, White, Fluffy Angel

Bonkers - Little Man

Alice - Plump Dumpling

Snappy - She's a Lady!
Nap time!

xoxo Megs